Workshops for festivals and community events
Circus workshops at festivals and community events are always a huge hit with children and families, and often adults find their inner child and join in too! If you'd like your event to resound with the sound of children proudly exclaiming "I did it!" then add a CirQuest workshop to the bill.
Have a Go Circus Workshops
We provide plenty of hula hoops, juggling equipment, spinning plates, poi, flower sticks, diabolos and more for anywhere up to 100 people to pick up and play, with our wonderful instructors offering inspiration for developmentally-appropriate tricks to try. Fees start from $300 for a one-hour workshop, which includes one instructor, equipment and transportation within the Perth metropolitan area. When more than one instructor is booked, we can also include stiltwalking, unicycle, and even acrobatics, aerials, German wheel, tightwire and slackline if rigging is logistically possible, although these activities require a site visit prior to the event for planning, and the cost of this and the transport and expert installation of the specialist equipment required is not included in our standard workshop fees.
Make Your Own Hula Hoop workshops
What could be more fun than for children attending your event having the opportunity to make and decorate their own hula hoop to take home? Our workshop facilitators are also expert circus teachers, so participants will also learn some amazing tricks when they test out their new creations. CirQuest provides all the materials and equipment needed, included in the workshop fee. A one-hour workshop with one facilitator caters for up to 50 participants, but the workshop is always very popular so we recommend doubling that, and we also can bring double the materials so that if there are more people than you bargained for, you can extend the workshop in response to demand, and only pay for the materials you use. Fees start from $450 for one facilitator for one hour with materials for up to 50 hoops.
Make Your Own Juggling Balls workshops
Making juggling balls is another fun workshop idea that develops fine motor skills as well as motivation for practicing juggling. CirQuest provides all the materials and equipment needed for participants to make up to 3 balls each included in the workshop fee. A one-hour workshop with one facilitator caters for up to 50 participants, but the workshop is always very popular so we recommend doubling that, and we also can bring double the materials so that if there are more people than you bargained for, you can extend the workshop in response to demand, and only pay for the materials you use. Fees start from $450 for one facilitator for one hour with materials for up to 150 balls.